Learn JavaScript

JavaScript is a programming language that allows you to add interactivity to websites. It can be used to create interactive effects on web pages.

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Our JavaScript teachers

We work with experienced, industry professionals who bring their expertise to create comprehensive tech courses.

Ashley Boucher

Ashley Boucher

Dave McFarland

Dave McFarland

Guil Hernandez

Guil Hernandez

Jonathan Barrios

Jonathan Barrios

Reggie Williams

Reggie Williams

Treasure Porth

Treasure Porth

Careers in JavaScript

As a full stack JavaScript developer you'll work on both front end and back end JavaScript projects. On the front end, you'll add interactive user interfaces, create responsive single page web applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. On the back end, you'll work with Node.js to create powerful, high performance, and scalable network applications. You may work with other developers, designers and senior programmers. As a full stack developer you'll know the steps needed to build complete web applications from constructing an engaging user experience for visitors to your site, to the behind the scenes programming needed to connect with databases, communicate with other web sites and deliver information.

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