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You have completed How to Set Up a React App!
Vite is a lightning-fast build tool for modern web applications. We explore what Vite is then walk you through the process of creating a new React project with Vite. You'll learn how to set up your project, install dependencies, and understand the file structure of a new Vite project.
Since version 4.3, Vite now includes ESLint by default. ESLint is an open-source JavaScript linter that can help identify and report errors, potential problems, and code style issues in your code. When you create a new React app using Vite, you'll notice a new .eslintrc.cjs file, which is the configuration file for ESLint.
If you are following our Learn React Track or Full Stack Techdegree, we recommend adding an additional rule, so that you won't encounter prop-type errors before we cover them in React Components:
'react/prop-types': 0,
Additionally, Vite version 4.3 also added a new script called lint to the package.json file that helps you quickly and easily check your project for any warnings that ESLint has identified. By running this command, any warnings ESLint has identified will be logged to the console.
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