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HTML Introduction to HTML and CSS (2016) Getting Familiar with HTML and CSS Test: Changing the Look of a Web Page

i still dont know what to do here i've tried putting h1 { color: purple; } but im not sure where exactly i need to put

i've tried putting h1 { color: purple; } but im not sure where exactly i need to put it

and im not really sure if the videos ever mentioned about that specifically

<!doctype html>
    <link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet">

    <h1>Welcome to My Web Page!</h1>


1 Answer

Bogdan-Adrian Cornea
Bogdan-Adrian Cornea
9,347 Points


You need to put it in styles.css for an external css or you can do it inline using <h1 style="color: purple">text</h1>

Hope it helps.